Lithium is a potent mood stabilizer used in bipolar therapy for decades. Narrow therapeutic index of the molecule owe to its associated adverse effects and risk of intoxication. Hence a clear understanding of its pharmaco-toxicokinetics could substantially decrease the risk of such events. In this study, we report a case study on lithium intoxication and a clear insight of its toxicokinetics. Clinical details of the patient were retrieved from the case sheets. Willingness and consent of the patient caretaker were obtained before the commencement of the study. A detailed review of literature was done. Plasma concentration of lithium was measured at definite intervals. Plasma concentration of 1.8 mEq/L was observed suggestive of intoxication. Drug interactions and other patholological causes discussed below would have predisposed the patient for such an event. Effective therapeutic monitoring strategies could decrease the risk of lithium intoxication.